Building the foundation for leadership – Success Stories


“Companies expect people to work together, but don’t take the time to help them understand who they are as individuals or how they present themselves as leaders,” says Jean Santos, Senior Consultant and Partner at Business Consulting Resources, an Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC®. Sumo Sushi & Bento did the exact opposite. The company partnered with Santos to focus on leadership development with their location and regional managers. She guided them through two programs: Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® and Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders.

“Everything DiSC connects unique leadership styles to real-world demands, generating powerful conversations that provide a clear path for action,” says Santos. The two programs combine leadership best practices with the DiSC® personality model, which comprises four basic styles: Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).

The DiSC framework helps leaders build self-awareness and strengthen leadership presence. The unique power of Everything DiSC enabled Santos to seamlessly adapt to the needs of a global team. Rather than travel to each person, she delivered virtual one-on-one coaching sessions. She discovered that no Every business has a secret recipe for success, but one thing all successful organizations have in common is effective leadership. matter where they were located, the managers all shared a common goal: to become better leaders.


credit: mindlabconnect

Solutions: Everything disc 363 for leaders and Everything disc work of leaders




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