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[about_active context=”DiSC Africa Expert Network is a community of consultants and professionals leading the delivery of extensive business value to clients and organizations with DiSC® Solutions.”]

[about_item context=”It is a solution founded in 2010 which focuses on promoting professionalism in the use of the DiSC® behavioural assessment and applications through a network of experts across the continent.”]

[about_item context=”With a global network of nearly 1,700 independent distributors and consultants our members are typically able to combine online assessment, classroom facilitation, and post‐training follow‐up inputs to create powerful, personalized workplace development experiences for thousands of clients and organizations.”]

[about_item context=”This forum promotes continuous learning & development of our members, as well as inter-networking & collaboration to share best practices and advance our interests. Membership is open to those who are new to DiSC® as well as those who are well experienced in its use.”]

[process_first title=”Financial Institution Success Story” context=”Find out how a Financial service industry used Everything DiSC to improve their strategy for growth” icon=”money”][button_process context=”Read More” link=”http://www.discafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Success_Story_ED_Financial_Services_Developing_Talent_as_a_Strategy_for_Growth.pdf”][/process_first]

[process_second title=”Healthcare Institution Success Story” context=”See how a healthcare organization used Everything DiSC to maximize their teams potential in the healthcare industry” icon=”ambulance”][button_process context=”Read More” link=”http://www.discafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Success_Story_ED_Healthcare_January_TD_Magazine.pdf”][/process_second]

[process_third title=”Manufacturing Success Story” context=”Learn how a top automobile manufacturing company used Everything DiSC to strengthen and drive long time customer loyalty” icon=”industry”][button_process context=”Read More” link=”http://www.discafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Success_Story_ED-Hondas_Latest_Model_Training2012.pdf”][/process_third]

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][cwa id=’event’][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


[spotlight title=”Become A Partner” context=”Passionate about DiSC?
Join an elite Global Consulting Network Today.”]


[spotlight_button link=”http://www.discafrica.com/become-a-partner/” context=”Click here for more.”]

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If you are an independent coach, or consultant. Make a difference today with Everything Disc.

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Get Certified

Improve your capability and knowledge in everything DiSC profile and rsearch by completing the Everything Disc certification course today.

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We want to hear from you! Please take a moment and tell us about your experience with Everything DiSC.

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    We want to hear from you

    We view ourselves as relational. If you prefer to talk to any of our representatives, you can get in touch with us through this form.

    Or call 08109225590

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